Saturday, November 26, 2011

this week

ok, so there's been a lot happening this week!  i've got some time this morning, an empty house : ) so i can do this!

to start with Tues morning with the  LD coordinator, spec ed teacher, reading teacher, class teacher and the principle to discuss the kid's test scores, finally finished : ) she got her IEP, barely!  she scored too high in reading, by 2pts, to get help there.  her class and reading teacher were as disappointed as i was....but she did score low enough in math to recieve help there.  she will be going to the spec ed teacher daily for an hour for small group help!  yes, we're excited by this!  she will be given time, the most imprtant thing for her right now-TIME!

her beautiful, dyslexic brain needs extra time to accomplish even the smallest task.  something we're still learning to deal with at home too.  something that has taken me, her mom, a while to understand.  research has hepled me, i hope, become a better parent for her.  she is not 'learning disabled' she is a teaching liability : )  she has to learn most things explicitly, not proceduraly (see I AM learning too).  one on one help will be a HUGE benefit for her.  she's happy about this change at school, maybe she won't be held in for recess anymore........

she left town with her nana tues evening to go spend time with the family in NEB for the Thanksgiving holiday.  we stayed here, where it's quiet......hubs can't take off work.  but the holiday and family got me thinking about some stuff......i, accidently, ran across the last email i recieved form my younger sister.  lil monkey found it in a book, i had forgotten about it.

.......after telling me off, one of the last things she said to me is that now there are 3 memebers of my family who have disowned me and she supposes that THAT'S not my fault either....well, she's right.  IT'S NOT MY FAULT!! i didn't do or say anything to hurt them. they said the words, they made the choice, they shared that choice with everyone else, letting them know that if i was at family functions, they wouldn't come.  therefore, my family never gets together......breaks my parents' hearts.  but it is their fault.  they don't have to like the choices i have made for my life, but it's not up to them to judge me. i haven't always approved of their choices ,but i never condemd them.  i stayed their friend, sibling, whatever..... ready to help them when they needed it. i didn't get that from them.  i got 'disowned'.  their choice, i just abide by their wishes.....

so if anyone is out there reading my rambling, forgive.  the past can't be undone.  look toward the future with love in your heart.  we all make mistakes. we all have to learn from them or continue to fail......make sure that when you expect others to meet your expectations, you too, can meet them for yourself.

happy thanksgiving <3

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