Tuesday, March 6, 2012

been awhile.....again :)

ok, i admit it....i get busy, very busy, too busy sometimes to even get on the computer.  in the last month we have dealt with the kiddo being sick, basketball ending, signing up for softball, a personal project, winter never happening, spring arriving early, yard work, tearing out the old garden beds, tearing out the tub surround (start tile tomorrow)....life is good!

Kaliko is doing well in school.  she's so worried about the MAP testing coming up....we've explained to her that they really have nothing to do with her.  they practice them so the kids score better to make the school look good.  i asked her what they'd be doing if they weren't practicing for the tests....she thought about it and decided that they'd be reading more or doing more science (her new favorite subject).  we told her that was exactly our point!  the testing is pointless for her but grades the school.  yet another reason to consider homeschooling.....bother!

right now, we are working on more stuff to get ready for the kids to move back here.after the bathroom re-do and the garden is rebuilt, will come the emptying of the garage and basement....maybe more painting there.  i like the busy work like this, working with my hubs....we're a good team, when we're not butting heads over ideas ;)

today, i need to run to the craft store (doing another exchange, kinda)....finish that and then start digging and moving dirt.  I love SPRING!! after winter's cold, being out in the yard, playing in the dirt, smelling the freshness, i feel like i can do anything!  maybe, perhaps, conquer what has been holding me back for so long and heal from a blow that has left me in a hole......i'm tired of living like this.....

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