Sunday, December 2, 2012

I feel like I'm an orphan

Life has been so crazy the last few months and then I get a text from my brother, who hates me, telling me, again, that it's all my fault.....all my fault? I didn't disown him, he did it to me. My sister did also and my daughter. But why? There are others in my life who love me completely.....why is being true to myselfso threatening to them? What is it that they fear, or are jealous of? What makes them think that because they don't like who I am I should change? Yes, it hurts.....especially my daughter......the rest of them, no, they have never approved of me. Not my parents, I've never been who they approved of...since birth. I was never enough. In the delivery room after Kaliko's birth, she looks at me and says, " Laura, you were always so homely I never thought anyone would ever love you...look what you've done." Yup, that'svwhat I grew up siblings, they were better than me at everything, at least, that's what I was told...."why can't you be more like your sister?" Really?? I like being me! It took me 40 years to be able to say that and a few more to believe it. I don't need or want their approval or judgements. I'm orphan I will be. But I know I have been adopted by some that love me, not of my blood. I need not prove my worth to them. They believe in me. They love me. They accept me. The real me. I. Am. Enough.

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