Friday, July 6, 2012

Chaos Rules

Soooooo, it's been awhile since I've been here. We got everything ready for my son's arrival with his family :). My house is full, something that majesty me VERY happy! Kaliko is happy having her nieces here to entertain and play with. They arrived during the hottest weather we've had in years. Poor CC, this isn't like WA at all. Too hot to run outside, unless you wake really early or go after dark. School starts in 6 wks, so Kaliko and I have to really start hitting the books again. She made a new friend during softball that is also dyslexic and they are having more trouble with their school then we do. They can't even get their daughter tested because being only a tear behind in reading is not a good enough reason to test her-really??? Her father is dyslexic!!! He admitted to me that he doesn't challenge himself, doesn't do extra reading, stays in his "box" because it's too frustrating to try anything new......sad. The mom has been the one fighting with the school system. The simple fact that there is family history is reason enough to test. Hopefully, this year will be different. With all the changes our district has to go through because of a lawsuit at the federal level because they were violating the IDEA law. I promise myself NOT too stay away so long next time :)